loghi 2024 ICC Italia Arbitration Forum

2nd ICC Italia Arbitration Forum
Shaping the future of dispute resolution 


Milan, 30 October 2024

Become a sponsor

The only official voice of the ICC International Court of Arbitration® in Italy

Organized by ICC Italia and the ICC International Court of Arbitration®, the 2nd edition of the Forum will bring together world’s leading arbitration experts to discuss future trends and new fields of application.

Why attend

A high-level debate
Unique insights on new trends of ICC arbitration and ADR

Exclusive networking
Connect with top level experts from
all over the world 

A global perspective 
The presence of the world's leading arbitration experts offers an international perspective.


Where will it take place

Gioia 22 is the first nearly zero energy skyscraper NZEB – Nearly Zero Energy Building in Italy. It is a 121-meter tall skyscraper located on Via Melchiorre Gioia in Milan.

2nd ICC Italia Arbitration Forum | Torre Gioia 22 - Milano


13:45 – 14:15 | Registration & Welcome coffee

14:30 – 15:00 | Opening remarks
Chairperson: Barbara De Donno, Secretary General | ICC Italia 
Francesco Gabriele Lucchese, Head of Trade & Receivable Finance Products Global Transaction Banking Dept. IMI Corporate & Investment Banking Division | Intesa Sanpaolo
Ettore Pietrabissa, President | ICC Italia
Claudia Salomon, President | ICC International Court of Arbitration

15:00 – 16:00 | Panel I - Meeting Business Needs: Proactive Case Management to Facilitate Settlement 
Moderator: Cristina Martinetti, Partner | ELEXI

Valentine Chessa, Partner | MCL Arbitration
Andrea Navarra, General Counsel | ERG
Francesca Salerno, Head of Group Litigations | ENEL Group 
Francisco Trebucq, Counsel | ICC International Court of Arbitration

Brief remark: Mariachiara Malaguti, Of Counsel | PedersoliGattai  
Focus speech: Massimo Benedettelli, Partner | ArbLit

16:00 – 17:00 | Panel II - Key Issues in International Arbitration: Enforcement Challenges
Moderator: Maria Beatrice Deli, Partner | DeliSasson 

Andrea Atteritano, Partner | Hogan Lovells
Barbara Benzoni, Head of Legal of the International Mid-Downstream and Chemicals Activities | Eni
Sara Citterio, General Counsel | Trussardi 
Ndanga Kamau, Arbitrator | Ndanga Kamau Law 

Brief remark: Augusta Ciminelli, Partner | Gianni & Origoni

Focus speech: Giacomo Rojas Elgueta, Head of International Arbitration | Chiomenti 

17:00 – 17:30 | Networking coffee

17:30 – 18:30 | Open Debate - The Evolution of ICC Arbitration and New Frontiers in Technology 
Moderator: Michael McIlwrath, Founder | MDisputes 

Pedro Arcoverde, Senior Legal Counsel, Commercial Disputes | Airbus
Michelangelo Cicogna, Partner | De Berti Jacchia
Gaëlle Filhol, Partner | Pinsent Masons France
Roberto Lipari, Partner, Europe Head of Litigation and Dispute Resolution | Dentons

Brief remark: Eugenio Bettella, Partner | Bergs&More
Closing Remarks
Barbara De Donno, Secretary General | ICC Italia 

19:00 – 21:00 | Cocktail reception


Intesa Sanpaolo IMI Corporate & Investment Banking


Dentons is a global legal practice providing client services worldwide through its member firms and affiliates.
Gianni Origoni
Hogan Lovells
LCA Studio Legale
Pedersoli Gattai
Valletta PR Advisory


Coccia De Angelis & Associati
Osborne Clarke
Portolano Cavallo
Rödl & Partner
Trevisan & Cuonzo
Watson Farley & Williams






Companies and law firms sponsor of the event will have the opportunity to showcase their commitment to the world of international commercial arbitration as well as to promote their business globally. It is possible to personalize each sponsorship experience.